Thursday, August 30, 2007

August 30, 2007 [speed day] squats and deadlift

August 30, 2007 [speed day] squats and deadlift

Sets x reps x weight (change from past week, assuming same movement) (rest between sets)


Narrow stance parallel box squats


-no problem


Speed deads


-no problem


Wide stance good mornings


-was quite difficult, but was still able to maintain form so didn’t lower the load




-no problem


Bicep curls


-no problem


Weighted abs


-no problem, decided to increase weight, previously used 10kgs



August 29, 2007 [speed day] bench

August 29, 2007 [speed day] bench

Sets x reps x weight (change from past week, assuming same movement) (rest between sets)


Dumbbell press (7)

4x15x45lbs (60s rest)

-completed 3 sets, 4th set only made 7 reps, didn’t think I could complete a set at first.


Speed bench (5)

2x3x45kgs close grip

3x3x45kgs regular grip

3x3x45kgs wide grip

-no problem


JM press (5)


-no problem, could have gone to 27.5kgs


Supported rows (5)


-no problem


Supported bent over raises (5)


-no problem


Lying dumbbell extension (5)

1 set to failure, 20lbs per arm

-made it to 22 reps each arm, left arm fatigued much earlier but forced it anyway


Reverse grip curls (4)


-no problem


Note:I think this was a good session.  Wasn’t confident at first about the 45lb dumbbell press.  But got through it.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

August 26,2007 Max day deadlift

Focused on volume this time. Did 8 sets of triples @ 140kgs of low start deadlifts using two plates. Didn't used a belt this time. Coach said we try it for the first few sets without the belt just to see if my core lower back would hold up. It did, so we completed the rest of the sets without the belt. I used straps on starting with the third set though.

zercher squats 3 sets x 8 reps @ 60kgs
shrugs 3x8 @ 80lbs per arm
horizontal rows, neutral grip (using hammer strength machine) 3x8 @60kgs
leg tucks 5x12 using 10lb dumbell as weight

Saturday, August 25, 2007

August 25,2007 Max day bench (New PR!)

Got a new PR today for the bench press. Broke previous best of 85kgs and got 90kgs today on the second try. The first try failed due to poor setup.

inclined bench press closed grip
-8sets triples @ 50kgs
triceps pushdown
single arm reverse flyes
wide grip bent over rows

Thursday, August 23, 2007

August 23, 2007 [speed day] squats and deadlift

August 23, 2007 [speed day] squats and deadlift

Sets x reps x weight (change from past week, assuming same movement) (rest between sets)


Low box squats

9x2x72.5kgs (+2.5kgs [~+5%] should be +3.75kgs)

-no problem


Speed deads

10x1x72.5kgs (+2.5kgs [~+5%] should be +3.75kgs)

-no problem, used 75kgs instead of the planned 72.5kgs, the speed was there


Good mornings


-no problem


Military press


-no problem


Bicep curls


-no problem except for some tightness on the left forearm


Weighted abs


-no problem




Wednesday, August 22, 2007

August 22, 2007 [speed day] bench

August 22, 2007 [speed day] bench

Sets x reps x weight (change from past week, assuming same movement) (rest between sets)



3x15x25lbs dumbbell bench press


Speed bench x52.5kgs (+2.5kgs ~+5%)

2 sets close grip

3 regular

3 wide

-no problem


Close grip bench (+2.5kgs ~+5%)


-not as tight as I want my setup to be, struggling with last few sets


Bent over rows


-no problem, 60 seconds rest


Shoulder press dumbbells


-alternated between arms


Reverse curls


-no problem


Flyes 2 failure minimum 20 reps

-no problem, made 30 reps @ 15lbs




Sunday, August 19, 2007

max day august 20, 2007 deadlift

Very good workout today August 20, 2007.  Our goal for this session was to surpass the 160kgs low start deadlift we did last week.  We will be attempting 165.  The warmups were:
10repsx1setx60kgs - conventional stance
5x1x70kgs - low start from here on, two plates high
going up to 155kgs
The warm up sets were fast.  I was feeling relaxed today and was thinking about the lift the night before. The 165kgs attempt was successful. Didn't feel any uneasiness.  The key was the quick setup, and aggressive attitude.  once setup is good and got my feet were it needs to be, I just pulled trying to get the pop off the bottom.  It worked just liked it did last week.  I took a 3 to 5 minute rest and coach added 5 kgs more.  We would be trying to do another PR at 170kgs.  Did the same routine and nailed the 170kgs again.  I think this is the first time I did two PRs on the same training session.  Thought I would not be able to lock it out but I got it.
round back good mornings 70kgs 3 sets of 8 reps each
narrow stance pull thrus 3x10
military press 3x8x30kgs, tried 40kgs but was just too tired
cable bicep curls 5x12
direct ab training 5x8 (total ab trainer)
Notes: my supplement regimen for the past two weeks (which seems to be working)
fish oil 3x a day after meals
gnc megamen twice daily 1 after bfast and 1 after dinner
BCAAs (Optimum Nutrition 2222 Amino softgels)
  • during workouts 1 in the morning, 1 at lunch, two 15 to 30 minutes before session and two after, if session seems to be going beyond 1 hr I take 1 in the middle of the session.
  • during non workout days 3 to 5 times
whey protein 1 scoop with skim milk in the morning with my breakfast, one again at night before sleeping
during workouts 1 serving (two scoops) 1 to 1.5 hrs before session, I observed that if I take it close to the session it gives me a bloated feeling.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

August 16, 2007 [speed day] squats and deadlift

August 16, 2007 [speed day] squats and deadlift

Sets x reps x weight (change from past week, assuming same movement) (rest between sets)


Low box squats (6)


-no problem, the speed was there


Speed deads (4)


-no problem


Good mornings (6)


-did first set at 70kgs, brought it down to 60kgs to improve range of motion and properly hit hamstrings.


Military press (5)


-no problem


Bicep curls (5)


-no problem


Weighted abs (5)


-no problem


Note: I think this is the start of new mini-cycle.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

August 15, 2007 [speed day] bench

August 15, 2007 [speed day] bench

Sets x reps x weight (change from past week, assuming same movement) (rest between sets)



3x15x25lbs dumbbell bench press


Speed bench x50kgs (6)

2 sets close grip

3 regular

3 wide

-speed was there, 45 seconds rest between sets


Close grip bench (5.5)


-no problem, used 45 seconds rest


Bent over rows (5..5)


-no problem, 60 seconds rest


Shoulder press dumbbells (4)


-no problem, 60 seconds rest


Reverse curls (4)


-no problem, 30 seconds rest


Flyes 2 failure minimum 20 reps (5)

2 rounds (47 and 30)

-no problem,


Note: Good workout overall.



Thursday, August 09, 2007

August 9,2007 [speed day] squats and deadlift

August 9,2007 [speed day] squats and deadlift


Sets x reps x weight (change from past week, assuming same movement) (rest between sets)


Lowbox squats

8x3x85kgs (+2.5kgs +3% (should have been 5% but rounding down the load makes it around 3% increase))

-was quite slow today, but managed to complete required sets and reps


Speed deads

10x1x97.5kgs (+5kgs slightly more than 5%)

-no problem


Sited Good Mornings

3x8x85kgs (+2.5kgs +3% (should have been 5% but rounding down the load makes it around 3% increase))

-no problem



3x12x60kgs (+2reps, -10kgs)

-no problem


Bicep curls


-no problem


Weighted abs


-no problem




Tuesday, August 07, 2007

August 5, 2007 [Max day] squats and deadlift

Max day August 5, 2007


Low start deadlifts. Used two plates thus around 4 inches off the floor.  Did stiff-legged DL’s and low start deads with weight progressing from 50% to about 90% as warmup.  From then on did singles 140kgs -> 150kgs -> 155kgs.  Didn’t used straps!  My grip had finally caught up.  I can still remember last December 2006 when we attempted 130kgs regular deads my gripped gave out, thus it was a no lift.  I tried it again with straps and nailed it.  We stopped at 155kgs since my from was already starting to break.  on the 150-kgs lift my the barbell almost slipped of my right hand, we are not allowed to use chalk in the gym (it’s a commercial gym).  Key learnings I got from this is to be aggressive, proper setup always, and push off the floor with your heals, keep the bar as close to your body, if it needs to scrape your shins then so be it.


Sited good mornings. 50kgs 5 sets of 8 reps.


Pull thrus with wide stance and back as flat as possible.  The wide stance ensure that you are hitting your lower back. A narrow stance would have shifted the effort to the hamstrings.


Shrugs, used two 80lbs dumbbells. I used wrist straps for this. 3 sets of 10 reps.  Lean slightly forward and maintain a tight arch on the lower back. Elbows should be relaxed, your arms are merely hooks to attach  the dumbbell to.  Feel the contractions of your traps.


Circuit abs training (3 rounds)

45s bridge

Alternate leg raises – this one is a killer 10 counts per leg

Squirms -12 reps

August 4, 2007 [ Max day] bench

Max day august 4, 2007 bench


Succeeded in lifting 85kgs after two failed attempts.  Losing tightness as the bar goes down thus finding it difficult to push up even with leg drive.  Key learning is to maintain arch, and tension in everything.  One way of ensuring tightness is to grib the bar as tight as you can and imagine you are trying to spit the bar not bend it.  Trying to bend it makes my elbows go in.


Next was 2board presses.


Dips. Bodyweight dips for six followed by assisted dips for 10.  did 3 sets of this.


Cable push down targeting the lats and shoulders, arms straight up with the body at a 45 degree incline pull the cable down, make sure to initiate motion by retracting lats


Rear raises targeting the rear deltoids.



July 29, 2007 [max day] squats deadlift

High box squats

PR attempt



Good mornings (narrow stance, locked knees)



Pull thrus



Leg extensions



Swissball Bridge

Side bridge alternate side

Sunday, August 05, 2007

August 2,2007 [speed day] squats and deadlift

August 2,2007 [speed day] squats and deadlift


Sets x reps x weight (change from past week, assuming same movement) (rest between sets)


Lowbox squats (6)

8x3x82.5kgs (+2.5kgs ~+2.5%)

-last reps of last three sets slower than rest, much better today than last week


Speed deads (4)

10x1x92.5kgs (+2.5kgs ~+2.5%)

-no problem


Sited Good Mornings (6)

3x8x82.5kgs (+2.5kgs ~+2.5%)

-much better today despite soreness from speed bench day training, I think it was the isometric hold that caused the soreness


Shrugs (5)


-no problem


Bicep curls (5)


-no problem, used 30 second rest between sets with moderate tempo


Weighted abs (5)


-no problem, need to tweak this next time




August 1,2007 [speed day] bench

August 1,2007 [speed day] bench


Sets x reps x weight (change from past week, assuming same movement) (rest between sets)



4x15x20 to 30lbs dumbbell

-used 25lbs


Speed bench (6)

2x3x57.5kgs close grip

3x3x57.5kgs normal grip

3x3x57.5kgs ultra wide grip

-better than last week


Isometric holds (6)


-5sec hold

-no problem


French Press (5)


-no problem


Bent over rows (5)


-no problem


Bent over raises (4)


-no problem


Cuban Press (5)


-no problem


Bench Dips to failure (5)

3 sets body weight



Note: overall today’s session was a lot better than last week.