For the past month I haven't been diligent with my supplementation regimen. Could this be affecting my lifts? As you may have known my deads have stagnated, I think my squats too, though my bench went up by 7.5kgs. I listed below my old supplementation schedule
Glutamine 2-3 grams every morning and before going to bed (have stopped for the past few weeks)
GNC MegaMen Sport 1 after breakfast and 1 after dinner
GNC Omega Complex 1 in the morning and 1 at night
It may just be a coincidence but during the time I posted my 165PR in the deads I was supplementing on Omega Complex. I need to revise my supplementation for the next cycle. Here are what I intend to do.
Glutamine same as old
GNC MegaMen Sport same as old
add BCAAs
add Fish Oils
bring back Creatine (have stopped this for a year now)
I am still complating if I would add the three at once or pace them in. Start with the creatine for the next two weeks, then the Fish Oils, and then the BCAAs just to see if there are any marked improvements to my physique and performance.