Saturday, September 22, 2007

Max Effort bench September 22, 2007

Failed in the PR attempts today @ 87.5 kgs.  We were aiming for 92.5kgs but got stuck at 87.5.  Root caused problem to improper setup.  For the past few weeks I've been trying to use a wider leg position.  It seems that my body structure can accomodate that technique.  My arch height was lower, minimal leg drive coming out of the hole, lack of stability since the weight shifts to my shoulder blades instead of the traps.  For the volume work I reverted back to my old leg stance.  Leg separation at the knees are just slightly wider than my shoulders.  The arch was higher and whole torso was stable, and the weight upon rack off was on the traps. Got though the volume work with no problems.
shifted to volume work
bench 5x5x70kgs
floor press 5x6x55lbs
wide grip cable rows
standing cable crossovers, elbows bent and maintain elbow angle throughout movement
lying triceps cross face extension

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